100 day journey

DAY 14 – We are all connected | 100 Day Self-Attunement Journey

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.” – Eckhart Tolle

self connection

Welcome to day 14 of my 100 day journey. Today I meditated for 30 minutes while sitting in silence and experienced a few moments of stillness. At one point, I really connected with myself and saw a clear answer to a particular conflict that I experienced earlier in the day. After that, I drifted off to sleep and woke up feeling super relaxed.

Based on the events from today and what I attuned to during my meditation session, I felt compelled to share the following thoughts with you. They might seem random, but rest assured, if you’re reading this, it’s because a part of you is ready to hear this message right here, right now. The way it resonates with you or touches you is exactly the way that it needs to come across to you.

What if…

We all play a part in each other’s stories. And everything aligns.
Someone learns about closure due to the pain you caused.
You contribute to someone’s experience of peace,
And to someone’s experience of confusion.
You are exactly where you need to be when certain things begin,
And when they end.

You play a role in someone else’s life. In many, many lives.
And the way things align don’t always make sense in the moment.

But you always receive everything you are ready for.
If you want something, you are not ready to receive it.
When you receive it,
That’s how you will know you are ready – you will be actually living into the experience.
Instead of wanting, lamenting and wishing.

You are here to contribute to a more expansive experience for all of humanity.
We are all connected.
Separation is an illusion.

When it’s difficult to lean into the pain or the confusion of our present situation, the resistance also exists for a reason. Let it. Allow it to just be. Whatever you are feeling is exactly what you need to feel right now. There is nothing to fix or to get rid of. You are already whole.

I encourage you to try to meditate on the following declarations if you’re feeling uneasy, anxious, and unable to accept your present situation to see if you find some relief. This is not for everyone and some people with excessive levels of anxiety may find this unsettling. Listen to your body and follow what it needs.

*The word “Universe” here can be substituted for anything that feels true to you, e.g. God, the Divine, Creator, Goddess, the Infinite, Lord, Mother Earth, etc.

meditation journey


  1. I surrender all control to the Universe.
  2. I am open to whatever lesson the Universe is to teach me.
  3. I trust that the Universe knows what I need to expand my consciousness.
  4. I thank the Universe for every lesson and guidance it provides me, even in times of trouble, struggle, or distress.
  5. I am opening myself up to the guidance and love of the Universe.
  6. I believe all things are happening exactly as they need to happen.
  7. I am open to all the lessons that I still have yet to learn.
  8. I forgive myself for not knowing everything.
  9. I love myself and my commitment for growth and expansion.

I appreciate the love and light you spread into the world, just by being you. Thank you.

Write to me at vi@healthylifewithvi.com. I would love to hear from you.

Until tomorrow.


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