start and live healthy

Welcome to Healthy Life with Vi!



start and live healthy

Welcome to my blog! So good to have you here! My name is Vi, short for Wioleta. This is the beginning of something new. I hope this site will challenge, teach, motivate, and inspire you.

Uncertainty feels uncomfortable. That’s why we plan, we want to know, and we want to prevent misfortunes in our lives. However, we usually learn things the hard way. You know what I’m talking about. You’ve gone through changes and difficult times in your life. You are at a place right now where you might feel lost and confused or confident and “on-course.” Perhaps you feel a bit off-balance and are trying to regain your focus or flow. Wherever you are in your journey, remember this:

You are the expert of you. You know yourself better than anyone else.

I know you want to be as healthy as you can be, feel good, look good, and have an abundance of energy to pursue all your goals and dreams. I know you want to feel fulfilled, be confident, and take on each day with vitality and purpose. You want to experience life energy. You want to move away from complacency and tap into your full potential.

I will provide you with information and knowledge so that you can take steps to begin feeling this way. To be healthy, to pursue your passions, to feel energized, to inspire others and yourself.


You deserve to be healthy.

My motivation to start this blog was to connect with and inspire others. I love learning from books, people, and life experiences. I have been on my own health journey and I started this blog to share with you what has helped me and what I have learned and continue to learn. I want to increase your knowledge so you will feel confident in taking steps you need to take to improve your health and well-being. I want you to start believing that you have everything it takes for you to improve your life. I want to inspire and motivate you, day after day, week after week. I want you to start believing that you have full control over your life and that you can meet your goals. You are in the driver’s seat. You have been this whole time.

You deserve to pursue the things that move your soul. You are in control of your life and making a conscious decision to change your life is the first step. Make this step right now. Commit to yourself. I will be your guide. Let’s do this!

Read more about what Healthy Life with Vi can do for you here.