seek discomfort

THURSDAY MOTIVATION: Are You Comfortable or Are You Growing?

“Those who do not move, don’t notice their chains.” — Rosa Luxemburgseek discomfort

Careful with comfort.

Comfort is a double-edged sword that if we allow, can wield control over too many parts our lives. Worse, it becomes a slippery slope that leads us straight into… mediocrity.

Ask yourself:

  • What are you uncomfortable with?
  • What questions are you afraid to ask yourself?
  • What actions are you hesitating to take?

Discomfort is a delicate but necessary topic. For the majority of our lives, we try to avoid discomfort, try to minimize our emotional pain, try to stray away from difficult emotions. And that’s impossible. Each one of us is frequently thrown into uncertainty and situations that evoke anxiety, pain, and discomfort.

But what if I told you that you should take it a step further and seek discomfort out yourself? Seek discomfort and you will seek growth. Being emotionally uncomfortable and learning how to overcome and succeed under those circumstances is what propels your emotional growth.

It’s so much easier to talk about pushing yourself than it is to actually do it. It’s scary. It’s uncertain. It feels so much safer to remain with the familiar. That step, the push towards a higher level takes courage. It takes trust – in yourself and the process. It takes faith. Letting go of familiarity, even for a short time, feels very scary, yet the rewards can be unprecedented.

You’ll never know if you don’t try. You’ll never know if you don’t step outside the confines of your own perceived limitations.

Do it.

Start with doing something today that is unfamiliar or you’re uncomfortable with. For example:

*Talk at a meeting.
*Run faster than you’re used to.
*Talk to a stranger.
*Practice being assertive.
*Ask for help.
*Share your feelings.
*Step into vulnerability.
*Sign up for that class you’ve been interested in.
*Start learning a new language.
*Start writing your book.
*Tell someone no.
*Start the process of mending a broken relationship.
*Call someone you miss.
*Start reading a book.
*Start a workout plan.
*Set a goal with a deadline to meet it.
*Tell yourself you’re beautiful.
*Forgive someone.
*Forgive yourself.

Whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable – do it. It’s worth it. You’ll feel challenged not because you can’t do it, but because it’ll be new and different. Expect to feel uncomfortable.

Your first inclination will be to retreat to what you know. But you won’t grow there. You’ll feel comfy covered in warm blankets of denial and mediocrity, but you won’t grow. Because growth is uncomfortable. It’s actually the opposite of a warm blanket. It’s cold, unfamiliar, empty, lonely, dark, and heavy.

But it doesn’t last forever. And you must invite it into your life. You must push yourself into the discomfort. Because in discomfort, the growth resides.

Growth is hard. But so necessary. And so liberating. When you choose to be very, very uncomfortable in order to foster growth, you’ll feel awakened. Brand new. You’ll begin to look at situations and people differently. You’ll experience a paradigm shift. Your struggle with accepting responsibility for your own emotions and behavior will almost dissipate. You’ll no longer blame others for your own ingrained insecurities and inadequacies. You’ll realize that all of it stems from you and you’ll know that you are the only one that can change your experience.

Share with us below how you’re pushing yourself into discomfort and growing!

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